Monday, April 15, 2013

There is No Gloom or Deep Darkness Where Evildoers may Hide Themselves

Why are there such bad people in this world...? With Cancer, Huntingtons Disease, and a million other life threatening diseases out there.... Isn't that enough bad in the world? Today at 11:58 our time I got an update on my phone that there were reports of an explosion at the Boston Marathon; a witness heard 2 loud booms near the finish line. Since that first update more and more footage and video have come in. It's just too disheartening to think that there are people in this world that get satisfaction in the results of hurting others and terrifying the rest of the world. But why? 

In times like these I find myself questioning... But strangely enough there is also a fire inside of me that starts to build. A fire that awakens my spirit that the best way to fight the bad is with good. What's the first thing you do in the darkness? Light a match. That match lights a candle. That candle lights a room. And soon a warmth and beautiful glow of light scare out the shadows. 

There is no gloom or deep darkness where evildoers may hide themselves.  (Job 34:22)

But how do we reach those who smile at the darkness? In times when we are fueled with hurt and confused on where to begin,
God whispers His truth to us...

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.  (Matthew 5:44)

But God, I have a hard time loving my neighbor that just took a life for no reason. A Mother, a Father, Son, daughter, friend loved one... that will never finish the race this side of heaven. But until my heart softens I can pray and know that God holds the key to the ultimate finish line. That justice will take place. I will pray to the ones who fulfilled this evil task...

My Prayer- {Whoever you are I pray that Satan would be stopped from blinding you of the truth. That you would turn away from these horrendous Satan prescribed glasses and see things in a new. I pray that God would work in each of you so a seed of hope would be planted deep down in your belly. So that you may be rooted in Christ. And at that time if you still choose evil over good...then your day of judgement and justice will come.}

I came across this verse today which reminds me not to fear those who laugh in the darkness. I will not allow them to have that power over me. They have no power over my Creator and my Creator will have the final word. 

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  (Matthew 10:28)

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  (Romans 12:21)

So tonight as I pray for the individuals in Boston and their families I will let that fire inside me ignite and be reminded of the work my God has laid out for me and for you. 

For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done.  (Matthew 16:27)

Boston you are in our prayers...

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