Saturday, November 23, 2013

Turkey Cinnamon Rolls

Here's another Tradition that started in our Family a couple of years ago...

Turkey Cinnamon Rolls:
This cute idea came from "Life as Mom"

Here's what you do (Thanks to "Life as Mom"):

You’ll need 1 cinnamon roll and 1 1/2 large biscuits for each kid. I use the refrigerated kind ’cause it’s easier with lots of little helpers. Cut the 1/2 biscuit in half again. 1/4 is for the turkey face. Cut the other 1/4 into legs. Cut the full biscuit into feathers and let your child dip the feathers into colored sugar or sprinkles. Poke in chocolate chip or raisin eyes. (I don’t recommend red hots or M&Ms because they bleed and make the turkey look like he’s crying.) Bake according to package directions.

Here are our little turkeys. So cute and so fun!

And did I mention good? Gone like that!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey

A couple of years ago I came across this fun tradition that I found on the 
I knew that we had to incorporate it in as our new Thanksgiving family tradition. We've done it for a couple years now and it's still so much fun!

Ok are you ready to catch your first Thanksgiving Turkey??? {wink, wink}

Step 1: You need a Large Box and crayons. 
Let the kids get busy coloring.  This usually keeps them busy for a quite a while. You are welcome. =)

Step 2: Get some bait for the Turkey! 
This particular year all we had was red licorice. We were convinced though that the turkey had to like red licorice. I mean who doesn't?

Step 3: Print out this cute little poem from and read it before your little ones go to bed...CLICK HERE to print. And while your are there print off the little tags to add to the candy.

Now wait til morning....

(While the kiddos are sleeping...set up the "turkey staging".
I usually leave a path of feathers....

Make sure to leave some feathers under the box too and don't forget to leave the candy with one of the tags attached. These are so cute!

The next morning the kids wake so excited of the thought that there could be a turkey under the box! My daughter usually tells her brother "You look first!" turkey but there's candy!

Traditions are important I believe and this is a fun one that we always  look back on and laugh. I hope this can be a new tradition for your family too.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mesh Wreaths

Mesh Wreaths are everywhere! I attempted my first mesh wreath and I must say... not as difficult as it looks!

Materials Needed:
-Decor Mesh (NOTE...I originally only bought one roll of mesh as you can see in the picture below and ended up needing to go buy another thing of mesh and used 1/2 of the second roll to make mine fuller) 2 Rolls. Usually retails for $9.99 so use a coupon or visit Hobby Lobby this week. %50 off right now.
-Wire Wreath frame (This one was $1.99 at Beverly's Crafts on F Street)
-Pipe Cleaners (I used one to help hold in the beginning and then I used another at the end. I made a loop on the back to hang)
That's it...

Let's Get Started:

  1. To get started...I cut long sections of the mesh to make it a little easier for weaving in and out. 

  2. To secure my mesh when I started I used a pipe cleaner to hold. (You can see in the picture below) 
  3. After that, it pretty much is all about and out and making loops along the way.
  4. There is not a right or wrong way. You will get the hang of it once you get started. But basically you are just making big loops. Twisting and weaving around the entire front of the wreath. 

  5. When you are happy with the fullness and evenness on both sides you are done!

I chose to make a generic wreath that I could add decor to with the holidays but of course you create ones for all sorts of holidays and occasions, like the ones below.