Saturday, November 23, 2013

Turkey Cinnamon Rolls

Here's another Tradition that started in our Family a couple of years ago...

Turkey Cinnamon Rolls:
This cute idea came from "Life as Mom"

Here's what you do (Thanks to "Life as Mom"):

You’ll need 1 cinnamon roll and 1 1/2 large biscuits for each kid. I use the refrigerated kind ’cause it’s easier with lots of little helpers. Cut the 1/2 biscuit in half again. 1/4 is for the turkey face. Cut the other 1/4 into legs. Cut the full biscuit into feathers and let your child dip the feathers into colored sugar or sprinkles. Poke in chocolate chip or raisin eyes. (I don’t recommend red hots or M&Ms because they bleed and make the turkey look like he’s crying.) Bake according to package directions.

Here are our little turkeys. So cute and so fun!

And did I mention good? Gone like that!

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