Monday, September 17, 2012

Goals, Has life moved too fast that you have forgotten what your goals are?

I just heard a great training call today that is suitable for ALL of us that I wanted to share. 

"Everyone is Busy. Life happens to each of us. The choice is yours. Do you want to change your life?" -Sandie Siemens

Did you at one time have all sorts of goals? Has life just been too busy for you that those goals have been pushed under the rug?

I remember my husband Ryan and I used to sit down together at the beginning of every new year and write out our goals on a piece of paper. This started before kids. A few years ago I came across that old piece of paper and just smiled. As I read down the list my heart was full. Those once far off goals had become a reality. Some of the goals were silly. But to us, at the age of 20 & 22 they were our goals.
-a big screen tv
-a white Truck
But some were filled with our hopes 
-buy our first house
Every single one of those goals were reached. Over the years since then we still write out our goals. I love looking back to see how far we have come.

There is this great quote that I came across today...

Goals are our road map! To get us from point A to B. Without them we don't have a plan.

So with that... What are your goals?

What are your goals for you personally?
What are your goals for your family?

  1. Write them down! Grab a piece of paper and get to writing! Maybe your goal is to learn how to sew or run a 5K or have 1 date night with your husband once a week or once a month. Whatever your goal is, write it down. On a side note, If you have a goal to pay down bills or help pay for Christmas, send me a message. I can help you do that if you are willing to commit to work 5-15 hours a week. Trust me it is possible and I would love to help you. Email me at:
  2. Now that you have your goals on paper, put them somewhere you will see them everyday! Also write one of the quotes from above on top of your page to inspire you!

    3. Make a PLAN! How are you going to accomplish those goals? 

Over at Corn Flower Blue Studio, She will walk you through how to make this DIY Rotating Goal List. So Click HERE to check it out!

Let's Get STARTED Today and start checking off those goals! 
Make it a GREAT day!

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