Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Lights Here We Come!

Time to go look at lights! Make this fun and special! 

Here is what we usually do... Beforehand I pick up some comfy Christmas sweat pants and sweatshirts outfits for the kids. I wrap them up in a bag and printed out a special note... Then I let Zack (our Elf) do all the work. 

This particular year we had the grandparents over for dinner. After dinner we told the kids that we thought Zack was missing and he was supposed to bring a surprise for them. They searched the whole house and finally in the Laundry Room on top of the washer they found him!

They quickly put on their new comfy Christmas clothes and grabbed theirr "Christmas Express Tickets". One quick picture and then we all loaded in the car!

Our first stop is always starbucks to get our favorite Christmas drinks. Then to go look at lights. 

We even saw Santa and got some cookies.

This year I plan on doing the same thing, except I also came across this "Scavenger Hunt" idea from "Macaroni Kid". Here is  a free printout. 

I thought this would be fun for my kiddos.

CLICK HERE to print out your scavenger list.

Make it fun and special! They are only little once.

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