Friday, December 20, 2013

Rudolph Pancakes

I'm sure you've seen these all over Pinterest. They are the perfect breakfast addition this Christmas Season.

 Whip Cream and Chocolate Chips for the eyes and a peppermint nose. Have fun!

My kiddos LOVE them!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Mary Did You Know?

Day 9! 

Sometimes in all the business you just need to sit down and re-focus. This video and song does that for me. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

12 Days of "Kiss"-mas!

How about we have some fun with our spouse?

We are always doing so much for our kiddos, what about our Spouse? Let's have some fun!

First off, this is a fun and simple way to sneak in another kiss with your spouse, and just be a little silly. This idea came from one of my favorite blogs-

1. First you need to print out your kiss cards! Click HERE to visit the site and print out your 
"12 Days" of Kisses. Cut out the Kiss Cards. I wrote "Day 12", "Day 11" and so on the outside. 

2. Grab some ribbon or twine and figure out a spot to hang it up at. I chose our bathroom. Next I went and looked in my Christmas wrapping box and grabbed some ribbon.

3. Grab some clothes pins or a hole punch to figure out to hang your cards from the ribbon. I purchased these mini decorative clothes pins from Michael's in their $1.00 bins. They were going to be used for something else but ended up working out perfectly for this project! Just use what you have!

4. Next add your cards! I folded mine in half because they went against the mirror and would give away the task. 

5. Now everyday open up the card with your spouse and share a kiss! And since today is the 10th Day of Christmas it's ok to still print out the 12 and get caught up.

Have fun!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Mistletoe is a MUST!

Mistletoe is a MUST (in my opinion) to have in your home for Christmas! I don't mean the real thing, I mean some that will last year after year! 

I think it's important to show our children that Mommy and Daddy are in love with each other and Mistletoe helps make that extra fun! 

You can pick up some "fake" mistletoe just about anywhere. I think I bought mine years ago at the Dollar Store. 
It's one of those Christmas decorations that my kids remember each year... "Mom put up the mistletoe!" 

Our little girl loves to kiss everyone who passes under it! She will even wait and say "Hey Mom come over here..."

She even caught her brother under the mistletoe but he wasn't that thrilled with his sister kissing him. So he tried to wiggle his way out of a kiss.

My kids get it, and by it I mean the fun and laughter of family. We have our moments of chaos and yes still tantrums, but we also have to choose to make times to laugh as a family. This is just another  way of doing that while also sharing our love with each other. My son just drew this photo of our family this morning. What do you see???? Mistletoe, and Mom and Dad kissing! I love it! I want my children to ALWAYS know that I LOVE them, but that I have also ALWAYS been head over heels in love with their Daddy. I encourage you to make mistletoe a part of your family decorations. I also have another part of this mistletoe decoration that I will be sharing with you all tomorrow!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Lights Here We Come!

Time to go look at lights! Make this fun and special! 

Here is what we usually do... Beforehand I pick up some comfy Christmas sweat pants and sweatshirts outfits for the kids. I wrap them up in a bag and printed out a special note... Then I let Zack (our Elf) do all the work. 

This particular year we had the grandparents over for dinner. After dinner we told the kids that we thought Zack was missing and he was supposed to bring a surprise for them. They searched the whole house and finally in the Laundry Room on top of the washer they found him!

They quickly put on their new comfy Christmas clothes and grabbed theirr "Christmas Express Tickets". One quick picture and then we all loaded in the car!

Our first stop is always starbucks to get our favorite Christmas drinks. Then to go look at lights. 

We even saw Santa and got some cookies.

This year I plan on doing the same thing, except I also came across this "Scavenger Hunt" idea from "Macaroni Kid". Here is  a free printout. 

I thought this would be fun for my kiddos.

CLICK HERE to print out your scavenger list.

Make it fun and special! They are only little once.