Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy 3 Day Weekend! Let's have some fun!

It's Labor Day Weekend! I'm sure somewhere in your plans this weekend will be BBQing, Family and Fun! Here's a few ideas that I thought would be fun to try out!

How about a Fun Family Movie Night with the kids as a surprise?
Over at "Disboards" there are some fun creative ideas to plan dinner and a Disney movie!
CLICK HERE for more info!

How FUN are these Ideas?! LOVE IT!!!

How about something new and fun for breakfast?
Mini Cream Stuffed Danishes from the "Six Sisters". Only 3 Ingredients!
CLICK HERE for the recipe!

A week or so ago my husband, Ryan grilled up some steaks. I tried out this recipe for the flavored butter from "Whit's Amuse Bouche" that she added while the steaks were resting...DELISH!!!
CLICK HERE to go to her page for the recipe and other great info!

If corn is on the menu check out this recipe. CLICK HERE 

Over at "Beneath the Rowan Tree" you can be very creative and use any cookie cutter to create fun and themed shapes out of watermelon. Click HERE for more great ideas from her.

This is Super cute idea from "Two Busy Blondes" if you have the time or patience... Check out there helpful steps for creating these cute BBQ Cupcakes. CLICK HERE 

How about some more desserts?
Frozen Butterfinger Dessert sounds amazing to me!!!
Over at "Just Get off Your Butt and Bake"
She made this yummy looking dessert! 
CLICK HERE for the recipe!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Freezer Meals: Part 3

So we are easing our way into stocking our freezer with meals. 
Instead of overwhelming you with a bunch of recipes to make. We are focusing again on 1 recipe that we can double, triple and so on! 

So far we have talked about:

Freezer Waffles/Pancakes, Smoothie Packets and Freezer Fajitas. 
If you missed any of these make sure you look back on the blog to get all the info.

Today we are going to talk about another great "Dump" recipe that you can make as many times as you want in your day to stock your freezer! This one not only is a "dump" recipe but also a crockpot recipe! That's a double bonus!

Just to remind you, at the bottom of this post is a "Print Friendly Button". To save on ink you can highlight over certain sections to remove any unwanted text. You can print, save and email this information.

So let's get started!

Mexican Chicken
I usually purchase my Chicken Breasts from Fresh and Easy. Almost always you can purchase them at the sale price of $1.99 per lb. So that gets you about 6 thick boneless chicken breasts for about $6-7.00. Most times I will cut the chicken breasts in half which makes it easier for cooking and feeds even more!

Yesterday I ran to Fresh and Easy and purchased red grapes $1.50 for a bag and some chicken breasts. 

When I got home I took 30 minutes and made 5 Mexican Chicken Meals (1 I put right in the crockpot that afternoon). I also made 1 bag of chicken with just BBQ sauce that I will freeze and use in the crockpot for BBQ chicken Pizza or to add on Hoagie Rolls with some cheese. 

30 Minutes - 6 Meals! You can do this people! We just have to get creative!

So Here is the Recipe and pictures below

Here's what it looked like right before my family devoured it! My daughter Taylor (5) had 2 servings and said "This is SO yummy Mommy"

I didn't have any cream cheese on hand (The cream cheese adds some creaminess which makes it delish.)  I also like to top it with avocados but I didn't have any and it still turned out great. 
So use what you have. 

We ended up having some left over so as I was cleaning up I grabbed some tortillas out of the fridge, warmed them up and added the left over Mexican Chicken to them, added some cheese, then wrapped them up! 

When I'm ready to eat I will just warm them in the oven for a little bit.
Perfect for lunch this week!

I hope this helps get you started!  These freezer meals not only save you money but time, and that's a great thing!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Hurt & The Healer

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

I pray today that you are reminded that God is with you, and He is there to lead the carry that burden with you... to take away that heavy weight that's been yours to carry alone...No matter what you are struggling with God wants you to come to Him.

Make time today to hear God's word, message and heart.

There are plenty of services that you can make today. Join my family if you have no place to go at Valley Baptist- Contemporary Service starts at 11:10

Make time for God, Get to church, God's waiting for you.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I Love a Good App!

 My sister-in-law, Hannah told me about this great post from Circle of Moms about some awesome apps. So I checked it out and found she highlighted 15 clever Apps for Moms that really are so helpful.

These were the few that I thought were pretty cool. Thanks Circle of Moms for sharing! Click here to check out more!

School A to Z (Free)
Not only is this App FREE but it is filled with tutorials for you to help your child with their homework.

Meal Planning by Food and Table (Free)
Helps Moms make a weekly meal menu based on sales at the local grocery store.

Clipboard by VolunteerSpot (Free)
 Perfect if you are a room mom and need to plan for an upcoming class party.

Chore Hero ($3)
A great way to track your kids chores! Each chore equals a point for a reward. A great way to teach your kids responsibility.

UpTo- Social Calendar (Free)
This looks like a great app to help keep all the activities, appointments and events organized. You can even share these events.

Team Snap (Free)
If you are a Team Mom this app looks like a great tool to have to keep the Roster list, schedules and photos all organized!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

If you think you're too small to have an impact...

If you think you're too small to have an impact, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito

I love this African Proverb!

One thing God has taught me over the years, and especially through Coordinating a MOPS ministry. Is that God needs ordinary people to do His extraordinary things. And it starts with me and you. No matter your age, how strong your faith is, how many or how little verses you know, if you are married, single, divorced. God needs us now. We can all do something to make a difference- in our families, at our workplace, in our community and around the world.

This one big reason is why I wanted to start this blog. To be able to share ideas how we can work together to make a difference in our families, in our communities and across the world. After being involved in MOPS for 5 years and Coordinating 2 of the years, I learned first hand some great lessons about getting involved in making a difference.

1.) I believe in my heart that the majority of people want to help, but just don't know where to begin. I get it, we are busy people. Sometimes we need someone to just show us a few examples to get started. I believe you have the intention in your heart, now you need the information to put that intention into place.

The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.
John Burroughs

2.) We don't have to have to help with everythin, but we do need to help with something! I understand, it can get overwhelming when you are asked for money every time you go into the grocery store or all the mailings asking for money. But that can't stop us from doing something. And that leads me to the most important part...

3.) What is that "something" for you?

4.) What pulls at your heart?

5.) What holds you back from sharing your God given gifts to make a difference. And yes YOU have some AMAZING God given gifts!

One of my favorite books is called "She Did What She Could" written by Elisa Morgan who was the CEO of MOPS International. I was able to meet her at my very first MOPS Convention and that's where I was introduced to this book. "She did what she could" were 5 words that Jesus spoke in Mark 14:3-9. Take a minute and read those couple of verse and you will understand that God is asking us to just do what we can. 

Here are a few pieces from "She Did What She Could"-

What if...I did what I could? 

What if I quit focusing on what I don't have and considered instead what I do have?

What if I let go of the pressure to do everything I could and instead did the one thing I could do now?

What if I started right now, in this moment, in this season of life, to do what I could?

What if I lived each day with the commitment to do what I could in that day. To know that I am loved by Jesus and to love Him back?

I might schedule a meeting with the principal and press the school to provide the special services I know my child requires in order to be the best he can be.

I might go on bed rest during a difficult pregnancy in order to give the life inside of me a chance at life outside of me.

I might apologize to a friend I wounded.

I might resign from my job and make more time for my kids.

I might go back to work in order to provide more resources for my kids.

I might stay married.

I might forgive my mother.

I might forgive myself. 

I might share my story- my struggle-my-sins-in public so that others might hear that the God who has helped me can help them.

I might tithe more than makes sense but not more than I can really afford.

I might adopt a child.

I might bite my tongue instead of speaking.

I might vote.

I might make a cup of cocoa for my husband and take it to him while he watches TV. Not because he asked for it or because I need to be in his good graces. Just because.

I might get off the couch and go for a walk with my daughter.

What if I did what I could? 

So let's do what we

Were you a teen mom? Do you know first hand the hardships and struggles that come with that? The looks that others give you as  teen mom? 

Here's a chance to help Teen Parents right here in our own backyard:

Youth For Christ- Teen Parents is need of your helpThey are getting ready for their annual Fall Camp! This year they have had to expand and move to a larger location in order to accommodate the large group they are expecting to have! With the larger location comes a higher price and for many teens this is going to be tough! The cost is $80 per teen and they are looking for people that might want to sponsor a teen or two with a scholarship of $40! They want their teens to come up with at least half of the camp cost but they know they will need help with the other half! 

All of the contact info. is right on the brochure below. Or if I can help in anyway you are always welcome to email me:

Another Organization that my family has grown to love helping is the 

Bakersfield Ronald McDonald House

It is so easy to help! The house is located on the Memorial Hospital Campus. If you have never been there to see it. I highly recommend that you contact the house to come visit and learn more. Bring your family.
420, 34th St., Bakersfield, CA 93301.
Phone:  661-327-4647  Ext. 4290 

Here's a photo of me and some wonderful friends of mine 
volunteering at the BRMH. 

We made dinner for the house guests and cards that the guest could have to write to say "thank you" to the nurses and doctors.

If you are interested in making the BRMH house dinner or volunteering in another way please contact the house manager:
Scarlett Sabin
Phone: 661-900-8995

I hope this gets you to start thinking in a new way. 

Just do what you can. 

I will post many more ideas, and simple ways to make a difference.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Better Substitute

One of our fellow MOPS families owns "Dinner My Way". They always have specials and discounts available, to help cut costs. If you just had a baby, for the next 6 months they offer a discount. For the month of September those who are Teachers and School Staff receieve %10 off.  I just received the most recent promotion via email the other day and I thought I would share it with you. This would be a great substitute on one of those really busy nights, instead of running through McDonald's.  In fact they even offer curb side assistance. So those of you with a car full of kids, you can make life even easier. Give them a call, put in your order and let them know you will be by.

Dinner my Way is also a fun "Girl's Night". One night a few friends and I met at Dinner my Way and we prepared a couple of meals. When we were done they kindly let us keep the food we made in their fridge and ran next door to Frugatti's for some dessert!

You can check out more online by Clicking HERE.
Dinner MyWay
Back to School Savings!
Remember, all teachers and school staff get
a 20% discount through September.
Looking for a unique fundraiser or need a speaker at your next event?  Call DMW for info.
Mandarin Orange Stir Fry
Mandarin Orange Stir Fry
 We always have lot's of meals premade ready to take home.  You don't have to place an order online to get delicious DMW meals for your family!  Just stop in and take some home.
Dear Lynn,

DMW, your solution for back to school dinners.
$10 Meal Deal
(3-servings, ready to cook)
greek baked chicken. oct
Greek Baked Chicken
This weeks $10 Meal Deal is
Greek Baked Chicken
This entree takes you to the Greek Isles with its traditional Greek flavors.  Chicken tenders are smothered with orzo pasta tossed with onions, tomatoes, pesto, olive oil, black olives and feta cheese, and then baked to perfection. 
Vegetarian Option:  Broccoli in place of chicken
Good at Dinner MyWay of Bakersfield 8/21 thru 8/25 only. Pre-made. Price is for Regular sized order. Limit 2 per customer. May substitute 2 regulars for one large. No other discounts or promotions may be applied to purchase of this entree. Purchase of this entree does not count toward Rewards Card. Price adjusted at time of pick up.


600 Coffee Rd. Ste. T
Bakersfield, California 93309


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let's Paint!

 I LOOOOOOVE finding old things and making them NEW!
A friend told me about this new paint called - "Annie Sloan Chalk Paint".

No Sanding or prep work before hand! I was SOLD! Then I asked where do you get it????
Online... Well for starters I didn't want to wait...patience definitely not on my side...because obviously I was filled with ENTHUSIASM for all my projects I would be creating.

So what does any Mom do that is filled with excitement, inspiration, motivation and creativity??? I looked online and did some research and I found the Mother load! This painting tip has literally CHANGED how I paint! And the best part is I use LESS paint which keeps my costs super low!

Ok enough excitement! 

DIY Annie Sloan Chalk Paint!!!!!!

I found this amazing post over at "Diamond In The Stuff"!!!! LIFESAVER for me!!!

She has the complete directions over at her blog that YOU HAVE to check out!
I'm telling you this will CHANGE the way you paint!


These are the 2 main items you will need. Have you ever seen the little display of "Sample Paint" on the counter in the paint section? They are small little containers that are less than $3.00! Most of my projects I buy 2 containers, but if you have a small project one is plenty! I know I are thinking that tiny jar? Really? YES!!! It's AWESOME!

This specific grout is around $5.00 and will last you a L-O-N-G time!

I purchased these items up above that "Diamond In The Stuff" shows us at Home Depot. Along with a new paint brush and an easy little paint container.

My First project was this Sofa table that I purchased at a Yard Sale for $10.00! $10.00!!!! That's like a small pizza! Ok see, I get SO excited over great finds!

Here is the before...NO SANDING NO PREP! I did just run a cloth over it to get any spiderwebs but that's it!!

Then....after painting I used a little sanding block and added a distressed look!

It is now the PERFECT desk for my little Kindergartener! I just love it!!! I had a piece of glass cut for the top (where they smooth the edges for safety) after this picture was taken. The glass was a perfect addition so crayons and other markings wouldn't damage the top. I LOVE IT!!!!

My Second Project:
Was to make my Daughter a "Dress Up Station" with an old Dresser. This was the real test...I was given this particle board dresser that my mom had. I went to Home Depot and picked out the shade of pink I wanted. Came home, Removed all the drawers and got to work:

I absolutely LOVED how it turned out!!!

I purchased a tension curtain rod form Wal-mart... $2.86

 Also grabbed those little hanging plastic hooks that you just adhere on.

It's the perfect little dress up station to hold all of her play jewelry, clothes and purses.

My Third Project: 
Bathroom Cabinets!!!!

Coming together quite nicely...


I've been looking for the perfect handles and haven't quite found what I have planned in my head...
As soon as I find them though it will completely transform my newly painted cabinets!

The next task is my kitchen cabinets.....

for this AWESOME tutorial from "Diamond In The Stuff"!!!

I hope this inspires you! I would LOVE to see any projects that you do! Also I'm hoping one of my good friends, Meggan will be a guest blogger soon. She is the Queen of decorating and transforming sale items into beauties!

Post pictures on my facebook page: