Monday, August 13, 2012


Welcome to my World of Blogging! 
I hope here you will be encouraged and inspired as a Woman, Wife and Mother. We are all made with a purpose! It's no accident that you were put in this world. With all my heart I hope you know that!

One thing I learned when Coordinating a MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group was... the best way to learn how to be a better Wife, Mother and Child of God is to surround yourself with women who are examples of that. My hope is through that same type of community we can create a community here for all women to come and share ideas to help strengthen our marriages, strengthen our families, strengthen our world all while strengthening our faith! I hope you will join me in sharing these ideas!

I also ask for patience as I work on my blog and start this new adventure of blogging! =)

One thing you will learn about me is I loving getting involved and doing what I can to give back! I believe we all can do something to make a difference in this world. It starts in our very own homes with our marriages and children. We also have a chance to do little things as a family that can literally change a person's life. As simple as a hug, a smile to a stranger, inviting someone over to join your family for dinner, dropping off a meal to a family going through a tough time, helping out at the local Ronald McDonald House, the list goes on. 

Here we can:

  • Share Recipes to make life easier- Quick and yummy meals, Freezer meals and tips on making dinner time easier.
  • Pray together for our husbands and children
  • Date Night Ideas and ways to show your husband how much you love and appreciate him.
  • Fun Activities to do with the Family
  • Holiday Traditions
  • Cleaning and Organization Tips
  • Healthier options for our family
  • Saving money
  • Creative Fun
  • Share ideas of things we can do right now to shine some of of God's light in this often times dark world. We owe it to our children to show them that they matter in this world. You matter! The world needs you! God needs you!

I hope you join me in this journey.

Much love and blessings,
Lynn Bradshaw

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