Monday, August 27, 2012

Freezer Meals: Part 3

So we are easing our way into stocking our freezer with meals. 
Instead of overwhelming you with a bunch of recipes to make. We are focusing again on 1 recipe that we can double, triple and so on! 

So far we have talked about:

Freezer Waffles/Pancakes, Smoothie Packets and Freezer Fajitas. 
If you missed any of these make sure you look back on the blog to get all the info.

Today we are going to talk about another great "Dump" recipe that you can make as many times as you want in your day to stock your freezer! This one not only is a "dump" recipe but also a crockpot recipe! That's a double bonus!

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So let's get started!

Mexican Chicken
I usually purchase my Chicken Breasts from Fresh and Easy. Almost always you can purchase them at the sale price of $1.99 per lb. So that gets you about 6 thick boneless chicken breasts for about $6-7.00. Most times I will cut the chicken breasts in half which makes it easier for cooking and feeds even more!

Yesterday I ran to Fresh and Easy and purchased red grapes $1.50 for a bag and some chicken breasts. 

When I got home I took 30 minutes and made 5 Mexican Chicken Meals (1 I put right in the crockpot that afternoon). I also made 1 bag of chicken with just BBQ sauce that I will freeze and use in the crockpot for BBQ chicken Pizza or to add on Hoagie Rolls with some cheese. 

30 Minutes - 6 Meals! You can do this people! We just have to get creative!

So Here is the Recipe and pictures below

Here's what it looked like right before my family devoured it! My daughter Taylor (5) had 2 servings and said "This is SO yummy Mommy"

I didn't have any cream cheese on hand (The cream cheese adds some creaminess which makes it delish.)  I also like to top it with avocados but I didn't have any and it still turned out great. 
So use what you have. 

We ended up having some left over so as I was cleaning up I grabbed some tortillas out of the fridge, warmed them up and added the left over Mexican Chicken to them, added some cheese, then wrapped them up! 

When I'm ready to eat I will just warm them in the oven for a little bit.
Perfect for lunch this week!

I hope this helps get you started!  These freezer meals not only save you money but time, and that's a great thing!


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